Friday, July 6, 2012

Finca de Vida: Raw Food Healing Retreat Center

Hey y'all!

Where has Donna been? MIA? No, just sidetracked a little bit.

I'm making some really huge life decisions at the moment. Three of my children are moving away from home at the end of the summer. Three years from now, all of my children will be gone.

Y'all don't really know me yet. Most of my story is in the free e-book I have been promising you for the past five months. The Superfoods e-book is still coming along, it has just taken me a lot longer than I had planned.

We get to that stage in life where we ask, "Now what?" I'm there.

Through this part of my journey, I reconnected with a couple of "old" virtual friends from a health forum I co-moderated a few years ago. One of them was making plans to do a raw food detox at a healing retreat center in Costa Rica called Finca de Vida- the Farm of Life. I had never heard of the place before my friend told me about it. I watched some videos, and felt like, "I would love to go there!"

My friend and I have a mutual friend, whom we both met on the same health forum. I mentioned that this mutual friend was having a lot of health issues. My friend wasted no time not only telling our mutual friend about Finca de Vida, but inviting him to go with her to heal. It took him maybe twenty minutes to say yes.

I want to post a few Youtube videos of Finca de Vida so you can drool over the place as much as I have been doing lately. I just can't get this place and the owners off my mind.


She quit smoking!

He lost 50 pounds in 90 days and corrected a bunch of health issues!

Click through to get to the Farm of Life website.

I have a companion post that I'll publish over the weekend (see it here), and then get back to teaching you how to make your own herbal colon cleanse and do a bowel detox.

P.S.: I'm getting insane amounts of views! Over 15,000 in just six short months from all over the world! I love each and every one of you readers, and send love from deep in the heart of Texas!

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