Sunday, July 8, 2012

Introducing a New Raw Blog: Raising

Hey y'all,

I told y'all in my last post about the Finca de Vida raw food healing retreat that I would do a companion piece for it. Here it is! I want to tell you about a new blog I'm in love with called Raising This blog is written by a young stay-at-home mother of two cutie-pie children. Lauren, the blogger, plans to homeschool/unschool her children... in Costa Rico.

Lauren is a California girl who shared the good life with her husband, Jeremy. They had it all: the big house, the pool and hot tub, the SUV, the picture perfect kids, the play dates and gym days, and activities out the wazoo... and they were miserable. Sound familiar?

Lauren's husband had grown his own business to the point where he had four employees, but he was working 14 hour days, 7 days a week to get there. He has Type I diabetes to contend with, as well. Jeremy made good money, but Lauren never saw him. She was becoming disillusioned with life in her early 30's.

She watched the DVD Raw for 30 Days, amazed that her husband's diabetes could possibly be reversed with a raw food diet. She told Jeremy, "We're doing this!" They did, and it totally transformed their lives within months.

Lauren did exactly what I am doing in my life now- questioned "everything." She asked the same questions I am asking: "What is happiness?" "What is important to me?" "How much of what we are doing in life is what we have been conditioned to believe is right?"

For Lauren and her family, this meant selling their house, packing up the car, and moving to Costa Rico to live and raise their family in Paradise.

Lauren captures on camera the gorgeous natural beauty of Costa Rico from the perspective of her family playing, hiking, and living the truly good life. She shares with her readers her thoughts, feelings, fears, and joys as she learns to live in a foreign country. Lauren is very real and easy to connect with.

I am enjoying following her journey, and believe my readers will, as well.

I'm adding Raising Raw to my Link Love List. If you're interested in Simply Raw's Raw for 30 Days DVD, I have a sidebar ad you can click through to easily get to the website.

P.S.: I'm intensifying my efforts to get my Superfoods e-book out to my subscribers as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience so far!

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