Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Difference Between a Healthy Colon and a Diseased Colon

Hey y'all!

Today I want to show you the difference between what a healthy colon and a seriously diseased colon with polyps and colorectal cancer look like with a colonoscopy camera. I am getting a colonoscopy scheduled myself, because colon cancer runs in my family and I want to reduce my risk as much as possible and as early as possible.

First, here is what a healthy colon looks like, when seen with a colonoscopy camera. I want you to know what a healthy colon actually looks like, so you can visualize one in your own mind.

As noted on the video, a healthy colon begins with good bowel prep. We can do that naturally with herbs and the proper diet. I will teach you how in a future post.

A healthy colon:

Contrast the healthy colon with this one, which is cancerous:


Sweet readers, colon disease is completely preventable, and if you or a loved one have a colon disease, you can reverse the disease completely by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Your Blog is quite impressive. Colon polyps grow in the large intestine. The large intestine, also called the colon, is part of your digestive system.
    Colon polyps
