Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bluebonnet Natural Healing Therapy Named "Top Health Blogger" on Wellsphere!

Hey y'all!

I am so excited today and have so much to share with you!

Yes, it's true! I was named a "Top Health Blogger" by the Wellsphere blogging community for my work on Bluebonnet Natural Healing Therapy! I was shocked and delighted!

OK, if you are a blogger yourself, you know that there are blogging rings and networks in whatever niche you are in. For instance, my daughter-in-law Sarah is a fashion blogger (check her blog, The Daily Sophisticate, out here). She is in the Bloggers Do It Better fashion blog network.

Since I am a natural health blogger, of course I follow other health blog sites (P.S.- comment below and leave your link to promote *your* blog site) to not only learn, but to pick up fantastic ideas for how to make my little baby blog better and more interesting to y'all, my readers.

I had seen the Wellsphere symbol on a couple of blog sites and decided to see if they would allow me to be a member.

Imagine my surprise when they not only said yes, but named me a "Top Health Blogger!"


Yes, I was a co-moderator of one of the top, most cutting edge health forums on a couple of years back, and gained a ton of knowledge from the awesome folks there.

Yes, I am a feature writer for Natural and a staff writer for Progressive But Bluebonnet is still in its infancy! I only started it in January 2012! I had no idea it would be considered "top" anything!

So, thank you, Wellsphere... it is an honor to be a part of this community of health bloggers.

I am really just beginning to learn how to be a good blogger. I have big plans to turn Bluebonnet Natural  Healing into a "go to" site for teaching you how to become responsible for your own health and life, really, as I learn how myself.

So you are welcome to grow with me. Please know how deeply touched and honored I am to have you- all of you all over the world, to visit me on Bluebonnet and decide to become a part of the Bluebonnet family.

I send you all the love and light I have, from deep in the heart of Texas.


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