Monday, April 9, 2012

Why I Named My Blog "Bluebonnet" Natural Healing Therapy

Hey y'all!

I've been missing from action this week because of Easter preparations, plus I passed my exam to become a teacher! I am so excited! Since it has been such a crazy week, I thought I would do a quick post about why I decided to call my blog "Bluebonnet" Natural Healing Therapy.

Most of my readers know I'm from Texas. I love it here. I live in Central Texas, which is a little more "country" than the big cities like Dallas and Houston. There really are a lot of cowboys here, plus the beef industry with all of the large ranches are nearby. I live just a 20 minute drive from the famous Bush ranch owned by former U.S. President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush.

The official State Flower of Texas is the bluebonnet. They are called bluebonnets because each petal looks like a blue prairie or poke bonnet that pioneer Texas women wore during the 1800's.

A typical blue poke bonnet, designed to keep the sun off a woman's face and neck as she worked outdoors- image by Vicki Lane Mysteries

Every spring, in March through mid-April, the hills and roadsides out in the country of Texas turn blue from these wildflowers. This year, the bluebonnets have been spectacular. I would love to share a part of "my" Texas with you:

 Marble Falls, Texas- image by Brynn Lee with National Geographic

Burnett, Texas

Fredericksburg, Texas- image by Mike Hessong

Brady, Texas

Elgin, Texas

Prayer Mountain, outside Dallas, Texas

Mason, Texas

and perhaps my favorite of this year's bluebonnet images:

Hill Country, Texas

Hat tip to Texas Hill Country's Facebook Page for most of these amazing photos!  I hope you enjoyed one of the special parts of my "real" life. Tell us what you think, or share something special from your part of the world!

P.S.:  Merhaba to my readers in Turkey! Welcome to the "Bluebonnet" family! I am floored to have readers from all over the planet!

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