Monday, April 30, 2012

Introducing Detox Herbs

Herbs for detoxification are wonderful when you are knowledgeable about them- image by

Hey y'all!

It's time to start talking about detox herbs! I've tried to lay out a good foundation of health for you. I've talked about getting enough sleep, drinking enough pure water, healthy diets, "earthing," and how to lose weight safely. It is at this point in a healthy lifestyle that we want to begin releasing all the bad "gunk" we have accumulated in our colons, livers, kidneys, and bloodstream. I personally love detoxing, and feel fantastic when I do it!

I was delighted to see this post on Dr. Richard Schulze's blog. I love Dr. Schulze. He's a really "out there" character, but he knows herbs like nobody's business and has witnessed people healing themselves of everything under the sun by simply doing the right things for their bodies and lives. I'd like to get y'all excited about detoxing by letting Dr. Schulze tell you about it.

There are herbs for practically everything: detoxing, losing weight, improving skin tone, calming nerves...- image by 

In time, I'm going to teach you how to make some herbal recipes, plus give you all the information I can on these herbs so you can make educated choices about your health. I'll tell you right now (and constantly) that I'm not a doctor, and not an expert. I will tell you to always seek the advice of a qualified health practitioner before doing anything you read about on the Internet. But if you'd like to learn more about herbs and other natural healing therapies, stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I do really like the blog post and it was very useful post for keeping us healthy.

