Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just in Time for Valentine's Day: Raw Chocolate Cherry Lava Cake

Hey y'all!

One of my favorite people I have met on Google+ is a guy named Raymond Ho of  Zen My Fitness. I'm going to put his site into my Link Love box so you can pull Raymond up any time you want. I was attracted to Raymond because he combines his Zen spirituality with body building/fitness and get this... raw food. His feed on Google+ is as entertaining as it is informative, and some of his recipes are to die for!

This morning Raymond posted a recipe for a Raw Chocolate Cherry Lava Cake. I died and went to heaven. When I came back, I thought of y'all.


I'm sharing this recipe with you from Raymond's Ho's Google+ feed, so you totally have to give him credit for the recipe. Better yet, click on his website and check him out.

Raw Chocolate Cherry Lava Cakes
Raw Lava Cake Base

1 cup raw pecans
1/2 cup of dates
3 tables spoons of Cocoa
few splashes of Almond (oat, rice, dairy) Milk

Pulse nuts first until
Blend rest of ingredients together until nearly smooth
Line ramekin moulds with glad wrap ( or similar ) press in mixture about 6 mm thick to make a cup.
Roll rest of mix flat between baking paper and cut out a round shape to match the diameter of the ramekin for a cover.
Place both in freezer while making filling.

Raw Cherry Lava Filling

1 avocado
Hand full of fresh Cherries
4 tables spoons of Raw Honey
2 table spoons of Cocoa
1 teaspoon on vanilla
splash or two of Almond milk

Simply blend until smooth

Remove Ramekins from freezer
Remove formed cups from Ramekins ( if they are stuck place in hot water for a few seconds)
Fill cups with filling
Place cover on top and press ends together
Turn upside down and place back in freezer for 30 minutes and serve and devour.

Donna again: When you break these open, the chocolate filling oozes out like lava. Garnish with a cherry that has a stem.

The recipe does not specify how many cupcakes the recipe makes.

You can use a muffin tin if you do not have individual ramekins.

It may be hard to get fresh cherries in February. I know our grocery store often carries frozen ones. Do not use Maraschino cherries. You can probably get fresh raspberries, and I know you can get strawberries now. I think any of these would be a special treat for Valentine's Day that is actually healthy.

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