Sunday, December 9, 2012

How Bad is Fluoride?

How Bad is Fluoride?

Hey y'all,

As promised in the video, I want to share with you some research I have done on the effects of fluoride on our bodies. While most of us have grown up believing either that 1) "fluoride must be safe, or they wouldn't be putting it in drinking water and toothpaste," or 2) "yes, fluoride is poisonous, but you would have to eat fifteen train cars of it before you got sick."

Is fluoride good for your teeth?

Let's look the truth about fluoride and your teeth.

One of my most popular blog posts here on Bluebonnet is the one on fluoride and your teeth, specifically dealing with the topic of dental fluorosis in children. Fluorosis develops when children swallow toothpaste and other dental products containing fluoride, poisoning the children mildly. The fluoride causes ugly, mottled teeth, such as the ones in these photo images:

Mild fluorosis- image by

You can see how some of the enamel has worn away and the teeth are beginning to pit.

Serious fluorosis in an 8 year old child- image by

In 2010, the Cochrane Database System Review, which may be the most conservative medical journal in the world, posted a review of all clinical studies to date regarding dental fluorosis. Cochrane's conclusion was that children under the age of six years old should use a low-fluoride or fluoride-free toothpaste if fluorosis is a concern to parents.

Of particular note in this review is the following comment:

" Future trials assessing the effectiveness of different types of topical fluorides (including toothpastes, gels, varnishes and mouthrinses [SIC]) or different concentrations or both should ensure that they include an adequate follow-up period in order to collect data on potential fluorosis."

More dangers of fluoride in toothpaste and water

Is fluoride poisonous? See for yourself.

You can protect your teeth and your children's teeth simply with good brushing habits. It is the brushing, and not the toothpaste, that helps to prevent dental caries.

Here is a link to the Tate's website. I am not an affiliate for Tate's, although I would be if they had an affiliate program. I hope you enjoy the product.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Drink Your Water!

Drink Your Water!

Hey y'all!

As promised in the video, I want to share a few links to some blog posts I write earlier this year on the importance of drinking water.

This post has a great tool for finding out the toxins in your city's water supply. This is a 2007 article, so hopefully some cities have cleaned up their water supply by now:

This post gives some great information on fluoride in our drinking water and why it is so important to get fluoride out out of your life:

And here is a post on fluoride in bottled water for babies- the news just about blew my mind:

How much water should we be drinking?

My favorite source for the health benefits of water is a book called Your Body's Many Cries for Water by the late Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. This may have been the first book on natural healing that I ever read. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many illnesses can be reversed simply by drinking more water. 

You may download a free copy of Your Body's Many Cries for Water by clicking the link. It's a pdf file.

"Dr. Batman," as he was lovingly called, among any number of professional athletes and health professionals, will state that we should drink a minimum of half our body weight in ounces of water. So if we weigh 120 pounds, we should drink 60 ounces of water, or roughly a half gallon (2 liters). If we weigh 240 pounds, we should drink a whole gallon of water as a minimum (4 liter).

This is pure water, not the equivalent liquid in coffee, sodas, tea, energy drinks, or sports drinks.

As I said in the video, I knock out 16 ounces (a half liter) first thing in the morning, and I have already lost a pound by doing it. The water gets into the colon and kidneys, and starts loosening up toxic waste. It plumps up every cell in the body, so each one can do a better job. 

Hopefully by continuing this habit I will lose more weight, have more energy, and improve the texture of my skin.

Please leave a comment and let me know what positive changes you experience by drinking more water.